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For the children of Malawi, primary schooling offers the first rung on the ladder out of poverty. The Anglican Diocese of Lake Malawi, with over 100 primary schools in its care, aims to play a full part in this task, under the guidance of Mr Oscar Mponda, Projects & Education Officer.


But, as in all primary schools in Malawi, there is an urgent need for more classrooms. Too many classes still meet under trees or in grass shelters.

MACS has raised funds to build 6 new double classroom blocks.



Outdoor class Nkhonde NOT Mikanga.JPG
Classroom Shelter.jpg

Thanks to the generous donations from our supporter two of the double classroom blocks have been completed and the other four are nearing completion:


Mikanga Primary School  2 Blocks.  TWO COMPLETED


Sopani Primary School  COMPLETED


Chakulanjala Primary School  COMPLETED


Msambaimfa Primary School   COMPLETED


Kanthete Primary School    COMPLETED

Mikanga Primary School Block 2

Grafiud's Diary


19th November 2019 

The Community has obtained the materials they are supposed to contribute and they are ready for the project to start. The delay has come about because they have been waiting for the builder who built the first classroom block. He was engaged at a different school to construct a classroom block. Now that the other classroom block is completed he will start this project very soon, possibly end of this month.


4th March 2020

The community have engaged another builder so the project has started.

29th April 2020

This project is at slab level.

9th July 2020

The contractor has finished the roof with iron sheet


Chakulanjala Primary School

Grafiud's Diary


19th November 2019 

This project has not taken off the ground. The community is still organising itself in terms of the materials they are supposed to contribute. You may wish to note that this is rainy season hence most of the people are in the field looking after their crops.

5th March 2020

The community has organised itself and obtained the materials they are supposed to contribute.

The project has started.

29th April 2020

This project is at slab level.

9th July 2020

This project has reached gable level.  The quality of the work is good.

11th August ,2020.

The project is at its final phase of plastering, pointing, painting, fixing of doors, making of drainage etc.

Msambaimfa Primary School

Grafiud's Diary


19th November 2019

This project has not started because the people in this community are busy in their fields. The situation is likely to change by the end of this month. My plan is to visit the project site to meet the Committee week beginning 27th January 2020. 


March 2020

Very heavy rains in the area made it very difficult to visit the project site..  I will make a visit soon now that the rains are not so heavy.

29th April 2020

This project is at slab level.

9th July 2020

This project has reached gable level.  The quality of the work is good.

5th August, 2020

Funds for the third phase of the project i.e up to roof level had already been disbursed but the Contractor had not yet completed third phase.

7th September, 2020

I have just been told that they will put iron sheets week beginning

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Kanthete Primary School

Grafiud's Diary


19th November 2019

This project is put on hold until the required funds are raised


13 February 2020

I visited the site with Oscar Mponda. We had a discussion with the community i.e. School Committee, teachers and Chiefs.  We briefed them on how MACS Projects are implemented and their role.  The bricks and quarry stones have been gathered.  The project has now been started.

29th April 2020

This project is at slab level.

9th July 2020

This project is proceeding slowly the walls are not yet up to gable level.

26th August 2020:

The problem with the contractor had been sorted out. Work is at phase three, which is up to roof level. They had finished putting the iron sheets on 


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