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Cyclone Freddy Update

You will most probably have seen in the news the devastating damage and loss of life caused by one of the worst cyclones in recent years.  The worst affected areas were in the south of Malawi. The government has declared a National Emergency and a 14 day period of mourning.  The most recent reports we’ve received suggest that more than 18,500 households have been displaced. This affects around 84,000 people.  The number of deaths has reached over 400 and there are still many people missing.  Relief efforts to provide shelter, clean water and food have been seriously hampered by the loss of roads, such as the M1.  Chikwawa and Nsanje districts were cut off for many days.   It’s been impossible to generate power through the hydro electric schemes on the Shire river because of the amount of debris and the volume of water.  Malawi is in need of immediate help as well as long-term help to rebuild what has been lost.  Please help us to help the people of Malawi to recover from this terrible event.

If you would like to give to the Cyclone Freddy fund please do so in one of the following ways:



Make a donation using internet banking to the following bank account; (ref: Freddy Relief)

Malawi Association for Christian Support CIO

Sort code: 20-54-25, Account Number 70069507


Send a cheque made payable to ;

Malawi Association for Christian Support CIO 

and post to;

MACS CIO treasurer

Colin Gardner

Bramerton Business Centre

Bramerton Road





Click the donate button on the right of this page to pay by Credit Card or PayPal

Whichever way you have used to donated if you are a UK tax payer and would like your gift to be worth a quarter more click below and complete the form to allow MACS to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

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CONTACT DETAILS: MACS Secretary,Julie Lupton, The Cottage, 72 North Street, Biddenden, Kent TN27 8AS  Tel: 01580 291658     Charity Number 1188309

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