In Malawi Primary Schooling is free BUT there is no free Secondary Education. At the end of their primary education pupils take an examination. If they pass the examination they are selected for secondary education.
Many pupils cannot afford the fees. They often go to secondary schools and are then sent home because they have not paid the fees.
MACS pays the fees of needy pupils at five different schools in Malawi. At least two thirds of MACS bursaries go to girls. The bursars are selected by a committee of staff at the schools.
MACS receives copies of the school reports of the pupils who receive bursaries and trustees meet the bursars when they visit Malawi.
Malosa Secondary School
Malosa Secondary School is one of the top boarding schools in Malawi.
MACS manages school fees for 16 pupils at Malosa Secondary school. The money for these school fees comes from three sources:
9 pupils MACS funded
3 pupils Bishop Ramsey school funded
4 pupils Bishop Donald Arden fund

St Michael's Girls' Secondary School, Malindi
St Michael's Girl's Secondary School, Malindi is a boarding school. It regularly produces excellent exam results and sends many girls to University.
MACS manages school fees for 13 pupils at Malosa Secondary school. The money for these school fees comes from two sources:
12 pupils MACS funded
1 pupil Bishop Donald Arden fund

Bishop Mtekateka Secondary School
Bishop Mtekateka Secondary School is a well managed independent school that produces excellent exam results. MACS manages school fees for just one girl at Bishop Mtekateka Secondary School. The money for her fees comes from:
1 pupil Bishop Donald Arden fund
M'manga Community Day Secondary School
MACS pays the school fees for 18 pupils at M'manga Day Secondary School.
8 year 4 pupils
10 year 1 pupils

Nkope Community Day Secondary School
MACS pays the school fees for 18 pupils at Nkope Day Secondary School.
8 year 4 pupils
10 year 1 pupils